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List all webhooks

GET /api/v1/webhooks

Retrieve a webhook

GET /api/v1/webhooks/{webhook_id}

Create a webhook

POST /api/v1/webhooks

Request body

urlstringThe URL that is configured to listen for incoming POST notification messages that contain event information. Example:
eventsarray of stringAn array of events to which to subscribe your webhook. Example: ["order.created", "order.updated", "order.paid"]
enabledbooleanSet to true to deliver the webhook payload when one of the events is triggered.
secretstringOptional. Used to compute the SHA512 HMAC signature of the webhook body.
descriptionstringOptional. Any description for this webhook.

Update a webhook

PUT /api/v1/webhooks/{webhook_id}

Request body

Same as create.

Delete a webhook

DELETE /api/v1/webhooks/{webhook_id}