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Product Import

A basic Google Spreadsheet product importer is to find in dashboard's Menu -> Products.

Setup Product Import

Dashboard General Settings -> Product Import -> Google Spreadsheet |Value|Description| |--------------------|------| | Google Sheets API Key | to find in your own Google Developer Console. Please visit herefor: | | Sheet ID | ..the Sheet ID is in the URL of the created spreadsheet | | Sheet Name | ..the Sheet Name is as bottom table tab named of the created spreadsheet |

Supported Table Attributes

alt text

category_nameRoot first-level category
sub_category_nameSub-level category under first-level root category
skuThe sku number of your product
nameThe product short description
stock_quantityProduct stock quantity
regular_priceProduct regular price
enabledProduct visibility
imagesProduct images. Multiple images should be comma separated
stateState is marked by X. After import success is changed to a check

Product Images

Please note: The product images have to be uploaded via dashboard's file import: Menu -> Files