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1. Local Mongo


2. Docker Mongo


docker run -d \
--name store-db \
-v /storage-location-on-host:/data/db \


  • Docker You are required to link to the database image and set it to the DB_HOST.

    --link store-db:db \
    -e DB_HOST=db \

    Full Example

    docker run -d \
    --name cezerin2 \
    --link store-db:db \
    -p 3001:80 \
    -e DB_HOST=db \
    -v /content-on-host:/var/www/cezerin2/public/content \
  • pm2 You will be required to expose the port in the docker command.

    -p 27017:27017

    Then you can Deloy normally with pm2. here

    pm2 start app.js

3. Mongo Atlas


  • I'll use Mongo Altas to deploy database.

    • Click Build Cluster

      • Choose an provider: AWS
      • Choose a region: N. Virginia (us-east-1)
      • Choose a tier region: M0 (Sandbox Free)
      • Choose a cluster name: Cezerin-db
    • Create User

      • Click Customer Security
      • Click Add New User Role
      • Choose Username: cezerin
      • Choose Password: cezerin
      • Choose User Privileges: Atlas Admin
    • Add WhiteList IP

      • Click IP Whitelist
      • Click Add IP ADDRESS
      • Click Add current IP Address
    • Click Connect

      • Select: Connect Your Application
      • Select Driver: nodejs
      • Select Version: 3.0 or later
      • Copy connection string: mongodb+srv://cezerin:<password>
    • Update string url

      • change <password> to provided password
      • remove ?retryWrites=true (doesn't support ?)
      • change test to database name shop
      • should be like mongodb+srv://


  • Docker You are required to referernce the database url in the docker configuration

    -e DB_URL=mongodb+srv://

    Full Example

    docker run -d \
    --name cezerin2 \
    --link store-db:db \
    -p 3001:80 \
    -e DB_URL=mongodb+srv:// \
    -v /content-on-host:/var/www/cezerin2/public/content \
  • pm2

    DB_URL=mongodb+srv:// \
    pm2 start process.json